
Did you know?

Daily @ Home

For a fresh morning.

Awaken the body and mind.



Fresh from the local farmer or pasteurised / homogenised / toned from your favourite brand.



Publication of your choice delivered by your neighbourhood supplier



Fresh from the local supplier or packaged from your favourite brand 

Most hassle-free day-to-day needs management

transparently connecting consumers with suppliers.

With your needs in mind, RatibPal is designed to provide convenience and comfort right at your doorstep, everyday


Add your supplier once

  • Enter name, number of your existing supplier
  • The supplier will get a SMS to download the Supplier app
  • If supplier is using simple feature phone, he can still use the platform through our Customer Service
  • Now you are almost relieved of marking your wall calendar and making phone calls to supplier

Need more of milk or juice?

  • Guests or festival are more welcomed now- Just tap on the date and increase the quantity of your milk for special recipes Or juice to cherish your guests with health delight
  • No calls, no SMS trails to supplier for booking or reminding

Taking off?

  • Travel preparations are easier with few less phone calls to your suppliers
  • Just tap on the date and cancel individual or all ratibs
  • no calls, no sms trails and no piles waiting at door when you return

Precise bill

  • Regular deliveries are auto-tracked
  • The quantity changes / offs marked by you or supplier are maintained
  • At end of the month, a precise bill is generated by system avoiding human errors

All supplies… one pay

  • Ah, the month went by so hassle-free. Now do I need to arrange cash for paying the bills ?
  • Well, payments are also hassle-free. Just a transaction with your familiar netbanking or UPI mode
  • Not just one supplier, you can pay all of them in a single transaction
  • And know what, its so convenient and safe for supplier also. You saved him travel time and also made his payment safe to reach his bank. For them the month end collection travel is costly and cash carrying is unsafe

Are you a daily needs supplier looking to grow your business, more profitably ?

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